Transfer prices
International service exchange without risk
As an international company, you are familiar with the topic: when it comes to transfer pricing, you are confronted with extremely complex and extensive tasks, which also have an impact on non-tax areas.
The cross-border exchange of goods and services within a group of companies is constantly increasing. The potential is great, the risk of double taxation even greater. Due to the internationally inconsistent application of the arm’s length principle and the struggle for a tax base, companies are regularly faced with major challenges. In addition, value chains are changing at an unprecedented speed, which harbours enormous tax risks. On top of this, you need to comply with documentation requirements worldwide. It is not just service relationships and applied transfer prices that are relevant here; you also have to demonstrate their appropriateness, i.e. their compliance with the arm’s length principle, in a verifiable manner. Database reports are nearly always required, otherwise severe penalties are quickly threatened, not only abroad but also in Germany.
This is an area where you should definitely lean on professional support. Our experts boast sound knowledge and experience from the most diverse company structures. Thanks to our international experts in the MSI Global Alliance, we are there for you on location in over 100 countries. We know about the pitfalls of tax authorities in Germany and abroad. We know how to avoid them. And we always have your specific needs and special requirements in mind. This is how we find tailored and efficient solutions so that you can continue to operate successfully.
We will support you with:
- The setting up of global transfer pricing systems
- The pricing of cross-border service relationships
- The preparation and defence of transfer pricing documentation > new software release
- Database reports for arm’s length documentation
- The initiation of mutual agreement procedures and implementation of preliminary agreement procedures
- Expert opinions on complex issues
Our advisory services not only cover international tax-related issues and customs and foreign law aspects, but also many other matters. Get in touch!
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